Horizon Health Services is excited to announce that we are growing our family services with CRAFT! Community Reinforcement and Family [...]
Benzodiazepine addiction has quickly turned into another epidemic sweeping America. Benzodiazepines, commonly referred to as benzos, are drugs typically prescribed [...]
NYS is taking action against the rise in fentanyl related overdoses. Last week, New York State Office of Addiction Services [...]
Overdoses are on the rise throughout Western New York. While overdoses have always been a reality in substance use treatment [...]
Horizon knows there are many challenges posed from COVID-19. Work, education, childcare and safety being a few that have disrupted [...]
During this difficult time, support and treatment are still available and needed more than ever. It is Horizon’s goal to [...]
Do you drink alcohol to have a good time? To relax? Does it help ease the pain from life’s challenges [...]
There are a variety of reasons why people don’t ask for help, even when the support of a reliable friend [...]
It can be hard to talk about your feelings. It can be hard to talk to strangers. It may, therefore, [...]