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CRAFT: Horizon is Expanding our Family Services!

group family pictureHorizon Health Services is excited to announce that we are growing our family services with CRAFT! Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is an evidence-based practice that assists family members and loved ones in creating an environment that supports motivation for participation in treatment for substance use and mental health disorders. Whether you’re a spouse, parent, sibling, or even a friend, you can benefit from CRAFT.

CRAFT has three main goals:

  • Encourage your loved one to enter treatment/stay in treatment
  • Reduce unhealthy behaviors related to your loved one’s mental health and/or substance use diagnosis
  • Increase your happiness

What does participating in the CRAFT program include?

  • Gaining education on addiction and mental health issues
  • Better understanding your loved one’s specific substance use or mental health behaviors and patterns
  • Increasing insight into the timing of providing positive reinforcement and allowing for consequences
  • Improving communication skills
  • Allowing yourself to focus on your own well-being

Through consistent, positive engagement, you can create an environment that is more enticing for your loved one than the lifestyle they are currently leading. The spirit of CRAFT reminds you that you are the expert on your loved one, and you are perhaps in the best position to help. CRAFT also empowers you to simultaneously not bear the consequences of your loved one’s behaviors.

The CRAFT program at Horizon offers both individual and group counseling options. Meetings can take place in person through various Horizon Health Services locations, over the phone, or via Horizon Telehealth.

How do I get involved with CRAFT?
If your loved one is engaged in services at Horizon Health Services, you can speak to your loved one’s counselor about a referral for CRAFT. Your loved one’s counselor will email Aaron Borowczyk (CRAFT Counselor), and Aaron will give you a call by the next business day. Appointments are billed through your loved one’s insurance. If your loved one is NOT a current HHS patient, you can call Aaron at 716.662.6802 and discuss options including scheduling an appointment billable through your own insurance.


For more information, contact:
Aaron Borowczyk, LMSW