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Staying sober after opiate detox

A roller coaster ride in FranceDetox and withdrawal from opiates is a challenge in itself. However, many opiate addicts report staying the course of sobriety after detox is even more challenging.

The good news is that there are resources and help available in the Western New York area to help on the path to recovery. Although it may seem like a roller coaster at first, living a clean and healthy life is achievable – and it’s important that you have a support system in place. The following are five tips to help keep you sober after detox.

  1. Have a discharge plan in place and work the plan. Many detox or hospital facilities won’t allow you to leave until you until you have a discharge plan in place. Plans often include recommendations for inpatient or outpatient treatment. Making sure you keep these appointments is crucial in preventing relapse.
  2. Utilize your sponsor. It’s important to have a sponsor or recovery coach to help guide you through the highs and lows of that you’ll experience. A good sponsor will give you genuine feedback and provide support when times get tough.
  3. Attend meetings. Group meetings such as 12 step programs offer a safe place where you can disucss and listen to others who are going through the same thing. You can develop a network of peer support and discover effective tips and practices by others which can in turn help you in recovery.
  4. Surround yourself with sober friends and family. Going right back to the same group that you used with is a recipe for disaster. Connecting with people that support your sobriety and that can raise you up instead of bringing you down will have a positive impact on your recovery.
  5. Get involved. Whether it’s service work, becoming more spiritual, getting back to a hobby or interest or even just hitting the gym a few times a week, activities can help alleviate stress and give you a sense of purpose and achievement.

Horizon is here to help you in any stage of your recovery. Give our admissions a team a call today at (716) 831-1800.