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Group 401

New therapy groups at Boulevard Counseling Center

Available Therapy Groups

Life Skills: 6 weeks. This group is for anyone experiencing difficulties with anger issues and expressing their feelings effectively. This group focuses on skills to manage anger, learn about where anger comes from, and practice assertive communication. In some cases, this will fulfill court mandated anger management requirements.

Mood Management and Chronic Illness: 6 weeks. This group is for anyone who may be living with a chronic illness such as diabetes, MS, lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, or neuropathies. As these illnesses contribute to aggravated depression and anxiety symptoms, this group will enable consumers to talk about these issues and receive information about coping skills and symptom management specific to chronic illness.

Depression Group: 6 weeks. The goals of this group are to understand what depression is in regards to symptom identification, understanding of treatment options (medication management, psychotherapy, cognitive restructuring), identification of healthy and unhealthy coping skills, and how to increase support.

Anxiety Recovery Skills: 6 weeks. In this group, consumers will learn what causes anxiety and where the symptoms come from, and will develop skills that will allow you to change habits in order to decrease and prevent feelings of anxiety and panic.

Mood Management Group: 6 weeks. In this group, consumers will learn to identify triggers to and control mood swings. Information is provided on how to cope with sleep disturbance, rapid mood changes, how to utilize cognitive restructuring as a coping skill, and the importance of medication compliance.

Women’s Emotional Health Group: 6 weeks. The focus of this group is to identify appropriate expression of feelings, improve self-esteem and mood management skills. These groups are focused on issues and concerns relevant to women’s lives and well-being.

Mindfulness Group: Open group. This group focused on helping consumers build skills, increase awareness and create balance in the day to day stressors of life. The aim is for clients to learn how to validate themselves, and learn skills that will lessen their suffering and build a life worth living.

Skills Groups: This group follows Mindfulness Group to work on specific core skills in the areas of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. Each of the core skills runs for approximately 6 weeks at a time. Group sessions are 1.5 hrs each week. *Must attend mindfulness group as a pre-requisite and may enter core skills sessions at mindfulness review points.

Men’s Emotional Health Group: 6 weeks. The purpose of this group is to identify appropriate expression of feelings, improve self-esteem and mood management skills. These groups are focused on issues and concerns relevant to men’s lives and well-being.

Dual Recovery Group: For clients with co-existing substance abuse diagnosis. Focus on group will be to learn how substance use affects mental health symptoms, and role mental health diagnosis has on substance use. This is an open group for additional supports in maintaining sobriety during periods of depression, anxiety, up and down moods, and increase in stressors.

Medication Management Group: 1 time group. This group is an education group to help in the understanding of why we take medication and why it is important to our recovery. Further topics will include importance of self-care, side-effects, interactions with other medications, and the stigma from society.

Open Women’s Group: An open group to any woman wishing to discuss everyday issues that are relevant to their daily functioning. This group will help you improve self-esteem, overall coping skills, increase sense of awareness, and build a positive sense of well-being.

Healing and Growth: 10 weeks. This group will reflect on various life themes as a means towards finding meaning and purpose, affirm a sense of community by sharing beliefs, values, and needs with others, discover sources of inner strength and hope, and find healing in your own spiritual story.

Relationships Group: 12 weeks. This was group was designed to meet the needs of consumers who have difficulty in relationships.  The group is divided into 3 separate units: relationship skills, communication, and codependency, with each unit lasting 4 weeks.  The group will focus on issues that are relevant to building and maintaining healthy relationships while referencing assertiveness, conflict resolution, and self esteem.

Clozaril Clinic: Open groups for individuals that are being prescribed Clozaril medication for psychotic symptoms. Individuals in this clinic are seen weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly for symptom management, support, and medication management.

Open Men’s Group: An open group for men wishing to discuss and process everyday issues that are relevant to their daily functioning. This group will continue to process skills learned in the 6 week men’s group, including self-esteem, communication, and mood management.

Please see your counselor for more information or to sign up!