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Group 401

Tips to Calm Your Mind During this Time

Calm your mindThe current outbreak of COVID-19 is a stressful and trying time for many. Everyone has their own circumstances and responds differently; however, we need to be there for each other more than ever. We can and will get through this, together.

What you can do to help calm your mind:

  • Limit the amount of time you watch news media. While it is important to know what is going on, leaving the news on all day can cause more stress. Set a few times throughout the day you will check-in on news coverage.
  • Limit time spent on social media. Social media can be filled with opinions, hysteria, rumors, news, etc. that is overwhelming.
  • Take care of your body. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, moving your body, getting fresh air when possible and taking a moment to clear your mind.
  • Utilize myStrength! myStrength is a free, personalized platform, offered by Horizon, that fits your needs and where you are in life, or perhaps where you want to be! From motivational quotes, mindfulness activities, parenting tips, help with stress, sleeping tips and more. There is something for everyone!
  • Check on your loved ones via phone, text, FaceTime etc. Just because you may not be able to be physically close to them, does not mean all communication should end. Being social is human nature, and important.
  • Make time to unwind. Hunker down with a good book, go for a walk outside, watch a good movie, bake, etc. Do activities you enjoy!
  • If you are working from home, start your day as you normally would. Keeping your body in as much of a routine as possible is important.
  • If you currently seek mental health and/or substance use treatment, continue to do so. There are many different ways to receive support during this time.

Please remember the importance of slowing the spread of this disease and following the CDC guidelines. We all can make a difference by doing our part and staying home whenever feasible.

Horizon is doing everything possible to remain open and operating. The safety and care of our patients and team members will always be our first priority.

We are all in this together, and this too shall pass.

Looking for support? Horizon is here for you. Call our Admissions Team today at 716-831-1800.