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Group 401

Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Department

Horizon works with our community to streamline how our patients will get their needs met by offering a team with specialized training and knowledge of our medical and nursing services.

Our psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and addiction medicine providers work collaboratively with counseling staff and patients to help patients manage their mental health and substance use disorders. Patients will engage in consultations with our medical team, and when medically appropriate, psychiatric and/or addiction medication prescriptions will be recommended as a part of one’s treatment. Our providers then monitor the effectiveness of these medications over time and make necessary adjustments.

We look forward to being able to provide you with a more team-based and comprehensive approach to your care. Our team remains committed to improving treatment options and enhancing your ability to achieve your goals.

View our Medical Department FAQ for current patients here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team:

Medical Department:

Phone Number: 716-831-0200
Fax Number: 716-458-4850

Feeling better is possible. We can help.

Many Horizon outpatient services can be offered through virtual care. Request an appointment or call 716-831-1800.