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Group 401

Reflections on September 11, 2001

Trade center progress as of September 2012

September 11, 2001
Paige K. Prentice
Horizon Village, Inc.

Tragedy struck our nation causing death, anguish, heartache and ruin. It was violent and hateful. It was an attack meant to kill, to cause confusion and to instill fear. It worked! However, in this face of traumatic devastation, the sound of silent mourning has made a very loud statement. A resurgence of unity and pride. A country of people bonding together for the common cause of supporting each other. The faith of our people cannot be extinguished.

It is not too far a stretch to liken this tragedy to the devastation caused in the lives of those terrorized by addiction. Addiction, too, causes death, anguish, and heartache. It is an act of war waged against ourselves. It is violent and hateful. It ravages lives and gains momentum with the horror it instills.  Its purpose is to alienate, dispirit and kill.

To survive, it is necessary to bond with others for support, to embrace one another and bridge our differences. Strength and courage are gained by everyone’s victories, however small or large they may be. Our hope is a torch that cannot be put out.

Let us walk our path with gentle footsteps, with kindness and with listening hearts.

Let us remember the victims, families and friends on this day.

South pool at the World Trade Center 911 Memorial