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Group 401

Recognizing National Minority Health Month (NMHM)

National Minority Health Month

April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM), a time to focus on raising awareness about health disparities and inequities surrounding racial and ethnic minorities, and the ever growing need to improve upon these issues in our own neighborhoods. NMHM is a time to address the need for equitable healthcare for everyone. Throughout the month, we should consider the challenges minorities face when it comes to health care, as well as how better to educate ourselves on the changes needed.

This year’s theme is “Better Health Through Better Understanding.” The theme focuses on providing minority communities with information and opportunities to improve their knowledge and accessibility to healthcare. Providing information and resources that are culturally appropriate is key to empowering individuals and communities to making better health decisions.

Did you know?

  • Social determinants of health can include a person’s access and quality of healthcare, education access and quality, income, community safety, and social contexts such as discrimination or incarceration rates.
    • These determinants go hand-in-hand with minority community struggles, especially in terms of health inequities and a lack of resources.
  • Only 14% of the United States population is estimated to have proficient health literacy.
  • About 1 in 10 people don’t have health insurance in the United States, making it difficult to see primary care providers, afford medications, and get important preventative care like cancer screenings.

How can I celebrate National Minority Health Month?Stronger Together Horizon

  • Take a walk or exercise to boost your health.
  • Set healthy living goals.
  • Start conversations about health inequities.
  • Educate yourself and others on health disparities and the effects they have on minority communities.
  • Explore NMHM’s social media accounts to keep updated.

At Horizon, we remain committed to providing quality care to all populations and upholding our Stronger Together Action Plan.


Economic Stability – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov
Health Care Access and Quality – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov
Health Disparities – Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences – University at Buffalo
National Minority Health Month – Home (hhs.gov)
Social Determinants of Health – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov
SolvingComplexProblems_BeyondClinicalWalls.pdf (icsi.org)