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Physical Activity Can Aid in Treating Depression

Sticking to those New Year’s Resolutions to be more active, get in shape and lose weight?  Physical activity can not only improve your overall physical health — it can also improve overall mental health.

When someone becomes increasingly depressed it is often difficult to understand why they cannot simply “snap out of it” and resume normal life. Clinical depression is a type of mental illness which requires professional treatment. It is estimated that 15 million adults in the US suffer from clinical depression every year. And that number is increasing annually.

It is predicted that by 2020 depression could become the 2nd most common health problem in the world (source: World Health Organization). But the good news is that depression is a very treatable medical condition with a variety of treatment options available. About 80-90% of those treated find relief using the various options available to them.

Horizon’s Wellness and Primary Care Center can play an integral role in helping treat depression. Researchers at Duke University studied people suffering from depression for 4 months and found that when 60% of the participants exercised 30 minutes, three times a week they overcame their depression without using antidepressant medication; the same percentage rate as for those who only used medication in their treatment.

“This is exactly the type of result we hope to achieve for our clients, particularly when we start treating veterans next year. The addition of physical activity as a part of the overall treatment model can and will make a difference in the individual’s recovery,” states Paige Prentice, MM, CASAC, vice president of residential and medical operations.

It is important for those dealing with depression, as well as their family and friends, to recognize the symptoms of depression and understand that effective treatment is available. Our goal at Horizon is to help every client resume their normal life so they can continue at work, enjoy family and friends and contribute to the Western New York community.

For more information on depression and how feel better, call us at 716.831.1800.

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