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Group 401

Parents Team Up to Raise Money for Young Adult Treatment Facility

Awareness CalendarColleen Babcock and Cindy Goss are parents who have dealt with substance abuse firsthand.

They recently teamed up to raise awareness of the drug addiction epidemic amongst young people. They particularly wanted to shed some light on the increased popularity of prescription drugs, particularly opiates.

The 2014 Awareness Calendar was born from their mutual goal to help families and friends affected with addiction.

The calendar chronicles the journey of drug addicts through the early, middle and darkest stages of addiction, to acceptance of the need for help. It also sheds light on the road to recovery. The images on the calendar are real and gritty, illustrating the consequences of addiction. However, the calendar also provides an immense amount of treatment options and resources for community members to be able to utilize.

The calendars are $10 each.  All proceeds will help fund Horizon Health’s 25 bed young adult treatment facility at Horizon Village. You can purchase a calendar at

Your donation is tax deductible.  Please help us spread the word!  This is truly a wonderful cause.

Thank you!