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Group 401

New Online Resource for Concerned Parents

online consultationIf you’re worried that your child may be using drugs, alcohol or even just headed in that direction—but you aren’t sure—we can help.

On July 1, 2013, Horizon launched a new free online resource which is available to families, friends and parents in the Western New York area. Our new online consultation program puts you in touch (in real time) with a skilled chemical dependency counselor. Our counselors are available online for live interaction with family members and significant others via voice, video, and/or keyboard to provide them substance abuse information, guidance and emotional support.

Here’s just a sampling of why you might benefit from this resource:

Our counselors can provide…

  • information regarding drugs of abuse;
  • signs and symptoms of an active or developing substance abuse pattern;
  • referral to psychiatric and medical emergency services;
  • prescription and other drug security in the home;
  • effects of substance abuse on co-occurring mental health disorders;
  • challenges/ methods to have young people accept and engage in treatment;
  • methods for families to support their children’s’ treatment;
  • effective collaboration with schools, courts and employers;
  • the nature and range of treatment services and payment issues
  • and emotional support/reassurance to address family member fears and encourage their follow-through with accessing and supporting their child’s care.

Families will access the secure, encrypted website via a link. And consultations will be provided to family members free of charge and kept confidential.  So whether your know or suspect that your child or family member is in danger, support, guidance and information is just a click away.

Find out more about Horizon’s online consultation program.