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How does family counseling help with addiction?

Family counseling HorizonWhen one person has an addiction, the whole family suffers. Relationships become tested and strained.

What response do most families have when someone has an addiction?

Some family members believe that it may be best to sever ties and allow their loved one to hit “rock bottom”. Others attempt to step in and protect their loved one from the consequences of their actions. Other families see themselves as enablers or that they are actually sweeping the issues under the rug in order to maintain the peace.

Regardless, all of these conflicts and responses are bound to create additional friction within a family.  Family members may question whether the addiction is their fault and what they can do to help. Family members often feel hurt, anger, and frustration. The truth is that families manage their loved ones as best as they can alone.  And this is why it’s so important to seek professional help.

As part of the recovery process, Horizon helps to address and resolve these issues through family counseling.

What does family treatment involve?

Family treatment is an integral and valuable part of a person’s recovery at Horizon. Families can become hesitant to participate in treatment because they feel they will be blamed. While treatment may identify family traits or behaviors that helped facilitate the addiction, the goal is not to take responsibility away from the person with the addiction.

This support allows the family to learn about the disease, as sometimes the family feels blind-sided. To make it manageable there needs to be education and time to discuss what is going on. Family counseling can be a combination of family education groups, parent support groups, one-on-one sessions with counselors, and family counseling sessions. Additionally, families can seek counseling even if their loved one who has the addiction chooses not to.

To learn more about our addictions services available to family members visit our website or call our admissions and information team at (716) 831-1800.