Q: My best friend needs help treating her alcohol addiction – but she doesn’t want to go to a 28-day inpatient rehab program. She is looking at every excuse not to get help because of the time it could take her. Are there treatment options other than a 28-day program? Do you have suggestions for avenues I might explore to help her?
– Jillian, Buffalo
A: It is really wonderful that you are supporting your friend and researching the available treatment options.
Has your friend ever received treatment at an outpatient program? Outpatient treatment is a good place to start. People can receive treatment while not disrupting their home, family and work lives, and it is often sufficient to achieve recovery. An outpatient team including counseling and medical professionals will work with her to develop and implement a recovery plan that she agrees to.
Community based support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are another readily available resource. AA and other “12-Step” programs provide peer support for people seeking to stop drinking, as well as ongoing support for those that have successfully quit.
Lastly, your friend’s primary care physician is always an option. Her physician is in the best position to evaluate any medical treatment needs associated with her drinking, but is also a good source for referral, education and encouragement.
Wherever she seeks treatment, the plan should be based on a high quality professional assessment that respects her needs and wishes, and encourages her hope and belief that she will be successful. Good luck to you and your friend!
About Anne Constantino
Anne was appointed to her current position as President and Chief Executive Officer for the Horizon Corporations in 1994. In this role she leads the development and implementation of strategic and annual operating plans for Horizon Health Services, Horizon Village and the Health Management Group.
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