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Group 401

Anne Constantino Awarded Outstanding Citizen

outstandingcitizenAnne Constantino, President and CEO of Horizon Health Services, was honored over the weekend by The Buffalo News.  The newspaper saluted the contributions of six outstanding Western New Yorkers for their efforts in bettering the community.

Anne was recognized for her service in the field of addictions.  Anne has led a passionate campaign for more inpatient beds in the region.  Horizon has expanded it’s Horizon Village campus to include Freedom Village which opens this summer.  Also proposed is a $4.5 million, 25-bed facility geared toward 18-25 year olds.

All of us at Horizon congratulate Anne on her passion for making help accessible to people their families across Western New York.

Find out more about our inpatient rehab facilities in Sanborn.

To read the full article, click here.