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April 2015 is Alcohol Awareness Month

Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 7.40.19 AMEvery April since 1987, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) has sponsored Alcohol Awareness Month, a nationwide campaign intended to raise awareness of excessive alcohol consumption. What is considered excessive alcohol consumption? According to NCADD, five or more drinks for men or four or more drinks for women at one sitting.

And what is the biggest problem with excessive alcohol consumption? In the United States, approximately 88,000 deaths each year trace back to it, which makes alcohol abuse the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death for the nation according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Excessive alcohol consumption not only leads to social problems but to an increased risk of health problems such as:

  • Injuries
  • Liver diseases
  • Increased risk for breast cancer
  • Cancer of the mouth, throat, and colon
  • Increased risk for heart attack and stroke
  • Violence
  • Homicide and suicide

Alcohol-Free Weekend (from April 3-5 this year) kicked off the month, an event designed to raise public awareness about the use of alcohol and how it may be affecting individuals, families, and the community. The NCADD promotes the idea of alcohol-free days and encourages drinkers to learn more about alcoholism and its early symptoms.

Alcohol Awareness Month is designed to increase public awareness and understanding of alcoholism, reduce the stigma, and encourage local communities to focus on alcoholism and alcohol-related issues.

To find out more about local, state, and national events in your area, you can visit the NCADD website or check with local schools, colleges, churches, and community organizations geared toward helping addicts and problem drinkers.

If you are in the Western New York area, contact Horizon Health Services to find out more about Alcohol Awareness Month and most importantly, resources for problem drinkers and their families and friends. If you think you or someone you know has an issue with alcohol, please call us at (716) 831-1800 to make an appointment so we can talk through it with you.