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Group 401

Give the Gift of Hope: Horizon’s Annual Sock & Underwear Drive!

Did you know that Horizon serves over 1,500 people at our inpatient and residential locations each year? Many of the individuals that come through our doors at Terrace House and Horizon Village Campus come with very little, and need essentials such as socks and undergarments.

YOU can make a difference in the lives of those pursuing recovery by donating to our Annual Sock & Underwear Drive. We especially need more donations of men’s underwear and t-shirts.

Last year, our Sock & Underwear Drive collected:
900 pairs of socks
64 bras
388 pairs of underwear
78 shirts

Interested in donating? There’s still time left! Scan the QR code above or click here to view our Amazon Wishlist.

We spoke to Horizon’s Corporate Director of Detox and Stabilization, Jeremy Hitt, and Horizon Village Practice Manager, Heather Horvath, to learn more about the impact our Sock & Underwear Drive has. Learn more about the difference it makes below.

Why is the Sock & Underwear Drive so important?

“The Sock & Underwear Drive raises awareness on the impact of what our patients battle through their recovery journeys, unstable housing, lack of support, and the lack of access to daily essential items. It’s a simple way to reach out and support those in need.”
– Heather

Who does the Sock & Underwear Drive impact most?

“The Sock & Underwear Drive not only impacts those individuals who have unstable housing, but some of our patients come directly from jails or hospitals from all over NYS and beyond where they may not have had such items in their possession. Their families or other supports do not always live nearby and may be unable to transport or send items.”
– Jeremy

What impact does the Sock & Underwear Drive make on patients?

“Not having to worry about having clean socks and underwear allows the patient to focus on other areas of their wel-lbeing. They feel like they can participate more and socialize more with peers and staff without feeling self-conscious.”

Do you have any stories about how a patient was impacted by the Sock & Underwear Drive?

“There are so many patients impacted. These basic necessities are essential items so many take for granted. The genuine thankfulness shown by patients when they receive clean socks, underwear, or other items is rewarding. The Sock & Underwear Drive truly demonstrates the care and compassion individuals have for one another.”
– Heather